Degree in Nursing (Madrid Complutense University, 1971). Qualified midwife (University of Barcelona, 1980). Diploma in Nursing (University of Barcelona, 1995).

I began my professional nursing career in the Neonatology Department at Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona. Later, I moved to the hospital’s Maternity Ward, where I trained as a midwife and worked for eight years in the field of natal and postnatal care

In 1982 I helped found Barcelona’s first public centre for mother and baby hygiene (La Sagrera Centre for Mother and Baby Hygiene).

During my professional career as a midwife I have delivered a wide range of training activities, focusing on natal care and strengthening the role of the mother and couple during the process of childbirth. I specialise in directing training and education groups, where I work with the expectant mothers and fathers and help guide them through the processes of parenthood. I also have extensive experience of working with pregnant teens.

For over 13 years I worked as a coordinator for the Women’s Healthcare Programme at the Catalan Health Institute, covering two separate areas within the city of Barcelona. During this time I also worked as a manager and care provider in the field of sexual and reproductive health.

Additionally, I have trained in the discipline of Hatha Yoga for 30 years and studied under TKV Desikachar.

I have written numerous informative publications on subjects related to sexual and reproductive health and breastfeeding. I have also worked with groups of pregnant teens, organising various programmes and publishing several articles on the subject of teenage pregnancies and the use of yoga techniques in preparing for childbirth. I regularly speak at conferences, seminars and other professional training events.

Organisations of which I am a member:
Official College of Nursing (Member no. 4848)
Pro-Breastfeeding Association of Catalonia (ACPAM)
Catalan Association of Midwifery

Author of the book
“IOGA I GESTACIÓ” (Yoga and Pregnancy)
Publishing house: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat and Editorial Kairós